Krwawe Tygodnie / Berlin
Po ogłoszeniu wyroku Trybunału Kostytucyjnego 22.10.2020, zakazującego aborcji w przypadku letalnych wad płodu, tysiące osób ruszyło na ulice w Polsce. Codziennie odbywały się protesty, blokady i akcje w większych i mniejszych miastach, także za granicą organizowane były akcje solidarności i demonstracje. 

Również w Berlinie odbyło się osiem “Krwawych Tygodni” akcji solidarnościowych z Polską, zorganizowanych przez kolektyw Dziewuchy Berlin. Akcje były zróżnicowane – od wielkich protestów po akcje ulotkowe czy performance, by pokazać wielość form obywatelskiego działania politycznego. W tym roku rozpoczęła się edycja 2021 “Krwawych Tygodni”. 

“Naszą rolą jest informowanie społeczeństwa o tym, co dzieje się w Polsce. Nie możemy siedzieć obojętnie, szczególnie kiedy łamane są prawa naszych sióstr i koleżanek, kiedy rząd idzie na wojnę z kobietami, z całym społeczeństwem” | Dziewuchy Berlin


Bloody Weeks / Berlin
After the announcement of the verdict of the Constitutional Court on 22.10.2020, banning abortion in the case of lethal fetal defects, thousands of people took to the streets in Poland. Daily protests, blockades and actions took place in larger and smaller cities, solidarity actions and demonstrations were also organized abroad.

Also in Berlin in 2020 there were eight “Bloody Weeks” of solidarity actions with Poland, organized by the collective Dziewuchy Berlin. The actions varied from large protests to leaflet actions or performances to show the multitude of forms of civic political action. This year, the 2021 edition of “Bloody Weeks” was launched.

“Our role is to inform the public about what is happening in Poland. We cannot sit by indifferently, especially when the rights of our sisters and colleagues are violated, when the government goes to war against women, against the whole society” | Dziewuchy Berlin


Blutige Wochen / Berlin
Nach der Verkündung des Urteils des Verfassungsgerichts am 22.10.2020, das die Abtreibung bei tödlichen fetalen Defekten verbietet, gingen in Polen Tausende von Menschen auf die Straße. Täglich gab es Proteste, Blockaden und Aktionen in größeren und kleineren Städten, auch im Ausland wurden Solidaritätsaktionen und Demonstrationen organisiert.

Auch in Berlin gab es im Jahr 2020 acht “Blutige Wochen” der Solidaritätsaktionen mit Polen, organisiert vom Kollektiv Dziewuchy Berlin. Die Aktionen reichten von großen Protesten bis zu Flugblattaktionen oder Performances, um die Vielfalt der Formen zivilgesellschaftlichen politischen Handelns zu zeigen. In diesem Jahr hat die Ausgabe 2021 der “Blutigen Wochen” begonnen.

“Unsere Aufgabe ist es, die Öffentlichkeit darüber zu informieren, was in Polen passiert. Wir können nicht gleichgültig dasitzen, besonders wenn die Rechte unserer Schwestern und Kolleginnen verletzt werden, wenn die Regierung gegen die Frauen, gegen die ganze Gesellschaft in den Krieg zieht” | Dziewuchy Berlin

PROLOGUE – BLOODY WEEK (20.10.-26.10.2020)

20.10.2020 Letters to Julia. In Solidarity with Women in Poland

Julia, masz wybór! (Julia, you have a choice!) – A letter-writing campaign to Julia Przyłębska, the President of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, privately the wife of the Polish Ambassador in Berlin, to prevent her from taking away women’s right to choose in Poland. 

From 20.10.2020 Call for Solidarity with Polish Women / online 

Online/ viral solidarity action with selfies with Black umbrellas – symbol of the Polish women fighting for their rights.

From 22.10.2020 The Embassy Tours

We called for walks to the Polish Embassy in Berlin, every day at the same hours (noon and 7PM). 

24.10.2020 Pro Choice Rally Against Abortion Ban In Poland! 

Demonstration of solidarity with women* in Poland in front of the Polish Institute. 

1st BLOODY WEEK  (27.10.-1.11.2020)

From 27.10.2020 Visiting the Embassy 

Continuation of the walks to the Polish Embassy in Berlin.

27.10.2020 Viral action #Strajkuję #IchStreike #Istrike

On this day in Berlin we symbolically strike in solidarity with Polish women. We sit on chairs and take a photo with hastags #IchStreike / #Istrike.

From 28.10.2020 Ulica i Zagranica: akcja solidarnościowa Polek mieszkających za granicą z protestami ulicznymi w Polsce

Online: Street and Abroad: solidarity action of Polish women living abroad with street protests in Poland. It is important to send the message and words (pictures) of solidarity to women living in Poland, to say that they are not alone, that we see them, we support them. Solidarity beyond borders. 

29.10.2020 DEMO: Wipjerdalatsch 

Thousands of people gathered at the demonstration called “Wipjerdalatsch” (literal transcription of the Polish word in German language) at the Brandenburger Tor to express their feelings and solidarity. Among speakers were German politicians and MEP, activists from different countries.

30.10.2020 Polish-German Sisterhood. Solidarity beyond Borders 

Protest and march in solidarity with Polish womxn and LGBT+ community on the bridge between Poland (Słubice) and Germany (Frankfurt), in cooperation with local activists’ groups. 

1.11.2020 All Saints / Dziady (demonstration and performance)

On Sunday, we have met at the monument of the Polish Soldier and German Antifacist in Volkspark Friedrichshain. We have made a performance calling upon ghosts of women who fought for our freedom and rights in the past, as part of the slavic all saints tradition. During the act we have unofficially changed the name of the monument, as it lacks female protagonists.

2nd BLOODY WEEK (2.11.-8.11.2020)

From 3.11.2020 The Embassy Tours

Continuation of the visits to the Polish Embassy at noon and 7PM. It is not about how many we were, but that we were there constantly, every day.

5.11.2020 March in Black  / You will never walk alone 

March with black umbrellas (symbol of the Polish womens’ fight) from Bebelplatz to Brandenburger Gate. Along the way we have listened to the podcast recorded by Dziewuchy for this occasion and we conducted the #GlobalScream action (1 minute of screaming).

7.11.2020 Techno Procession – if I Can’t Dance, It’s Not My Revolution 

Colorful march from Hermannplatz to the Polish church, with DJanes and performers, international speakers who expressed their solidarity with Polish womxn and LGBT+.

10.11.2020  DISKUSSION: Proteste gegen das Abtreibungsverbot und Verteidigung von Grundrechten und Demokratie in Polen / online

Discussion moderated by Gaby Bischoff with: Marek Dyduch, Sejm deputy and SLD regional chairman from Lower Silesia), Anna Krenz, artist and women’s rights activist, founder of the initiative Dziewuchy Berlin, Klementyna Suchanow, activist and one of the leaders of the Polish Women’s Strike (OSK). 

3 BLOODY WEEK (9.11.-15.11.2020)

11.11.2020 AKTION | Za Naszą i Waszą Wolność | Für Eure und Unsere Freiheit

Dzień Pol(s)ki Niepodległej / Tag der Unabhängigen Polin / Tag des Unabhängigen Polen

Day of Independence of Poland / Polish womxn. Online action and live video screening at the monument. One of the most important events of that “Bloody Week” was the symbolic unveiling and renaming of the Monument to Polish Soldier and German Antifascist to the Monument to Persons Fighting for Our and Your Freedom. The ceremony took place on a symbolic day – November 11 – the anniversary of the end of World War I and Polish Independence Day. It is also the beginning of the German Carnival, so the symbolic takeover took place at 11:11 a.m. Unfortunately, this day has become an opportunity in contemporary Poland for aggressive manifestations of racist, xenophobic and misogynistic attitudes by nationalist organizations. Not wanting to legitimize the marches and rallies of aggressive nationalist groups, the protesting Polish women have been moving their strike elsewhere. In Berlin – as the Polish Womxns’ Embassy – we celebrated the “Day of the Independent Polish Woman”.

15.11.2020 Panel: Dlaczego polskim emigrantkom wciąż zależy na prawach kobiet w Polsce? | Igrzyska Wolności

“A FEMINIST INTERNATIONAL POWER PANEL – Why do Polish emigrants STILL care about Women’s Rights in Poland?”

Discussion with: Jobee Joanna Pszczoła (Brussels), Anna Krenz (Berlin), Agata de Latour (Strasburg), Joanna Lasserre (Paris), Inga Wójcik (Dublin), MEP: Terry Reintke and dr Sylwia Spurek. Moderation: Dr Małgorzata Wochowska (Łódzkie Dziewuchy Dziewuchom and Dziewuchy Berlin). Discussion Panel organized under matronage of the Łódzkie Dziewuchy Dziewuchom Association. 

15.11.2020 Krąg Szeptuch  / Pomnik w Volkspark Friedrichshain

4 KRWAWY TYDZIEŃ (16.11.-22.11.2020)

From 18.11.2020 Civic literature reading for the Polish government 

There is a lot of talk about language, especially used in the streets during women’s protests. Polish language is wonderful, colorful, emotional, just like Polish literature – ironic, mocking or critical. We remind ourselves and the politicians of Law and Justice of a bit of Polish literature – it is our legacy and tradition. We are reading literature over the phone and sending poetry by email. 

18.11.2020 at 19.00-19.01 Global Scream in Solidarity with Polish Women / online

Online action in cooperation with Szwajcarskie Dziewuchy and Polonia ma Prawo Głosu, which resulted in a video.

The war is not over! We are not putting our umbrellas away! In the name of Freedom, Sisterhood, and Revolution, we are organizing another protest. 

On November 18th, the Polish Sejm – will hold a parliamentary sitting and most probably discuss the abortion ban. We are still furious and we need your support, we cannot let the flames of our anger die out. This is our revolution and we will not give up or let any cis men decide upon our bodies. We will not let anyone appropriate this inherently feminist revolution.

During the demonstration we will also talk about the situation of trans people in Poland – 13.11-20.11 is Trans Awareness Week!

5 KRWAWY TYDZIEŃ (23.11.-30.11.2020)

25.11.-9.12. #16DaysOfActivism against Gender Based Violence

Seria wydarzeń we współpracy z: Kongres Kobiet w Brukseli, Łódzkie Dziewuchy Dziewuchom, Young Feminist Europe

25.11.2020 Wir Sind die Friedensstatue-Solidarity with Comfort Women


W 102 rocznicę wywalczenia przez Polki praw wyborczych…

…stoimy na ulicach, krzyczymy na ulicach i tańczymy na ulicach. Zainspirowane utworem “Partyzantka” Dziołch z Gniezna, tańczyłyśmy i śpiewałyśmy wspólnie, by wyrazić naszą determinację i wkurw. W Poznaniu rozpoczyna się Łańcuch Tańca zaproponowany przez Siostry ze Szczecina. Kolejne miasto to Berlin – zostałyśmy nominowane przez Poznań! A my nominowałyśmy Łódź i Szczecin. Tańczyłyśmy z najlepszymi Feministycznymi Cheerleaderkami w Berlinie – Grupą Radykalnych Cheerleaderek Wkurw.

28.11.2020 Jeszcze Polka Nie Zginęła. Akcja Solidarnościowa z OSK – Polka Walcząca – z pamiętnika uczestniczki protestów

Trzy waleczne Polki podzielą się swoimi doświadczeniami z protestów – jakie panowały nastroje, czy czuły się zagrożone, o zawiązywaniu się relacji i regularnych protestach. To również doskonała okazja aby ukazać jak bardzo rzeczywistość różni się od tego co przedstawiają media. Panelistki: Wanda Jóźwikowska (Warszawa), Zuzanna Maj i Małgorzata Maj (Londyn), Dominika Kasprowicz (Warszawa), Anna Krenz (Berlin). 

6 KRWAWY TYDZIEŃ (1.12.-6.12.2020)

From 1.12.2020 Obywatelskie czytanie literatury polskiej dla rządu
Nowy wybór dzieł literatury polskiej do czytania polityczkom i politykom PiS. Język polski jest wspaniały, barwny, emocjonalny, podobnie jak literatura polska – ironiczna, szydercza lub krytyczna. Przypominamy sobie i polityczkom i politykom PiS nieco polskiej literatury – to nasza spuścizna i tradycja.

6.12.2020 Rave against Patriarchy
Razem z Radykalnymi Cheerleaderkami Wkurw, wzięłyśmy udział w Rave against Patriarchy – zatańczyłyśmy i wyglosiłysmy przemowę. 

7 KRWAWY TYDZIEŃ (7.12.-13.12.2020)

9.12.2020 Kongres Kobiet w Brukseli | PANEL: Feministka, kosmopolitka, patriotka

Panelistki: Anna Krenz (Berlin), Joanna Lasserre (Paryż), Anita Ziegler – Chamielec (Wiedeń). Moderują Paulina Banaś & Ewa Żełudziewicz (Bruksela)

11.12. Performance: Entwurzelte Wörter | Kurzfristig ABGESAGT!

The history of Poland and Germany is a story of a thousand years of neighbourhood, mutual influences and armed conflicts. This history was written and told by men from their perspective, not including women in this story. We want to change this – also through symbolic actions and remembrance of women’s past. It is time for women’s stories and their popularization.

The history of Poland and Germany is also a history of deep-rooted friendship, common work, kinship, family ties, history of culture and art. This history is and will remain alive.

Polish women and men living in exile – Polonia – are informal ambassadors of Poland. They have devotedly supported and continue to support their homeland, both materially and immaterially – through art and literature. During the ceremonial planting of the Polonia Tree, we were planning to recall the works of historical and contemporary Polish and German women poets, especially those living in exile. 

Participation in the ceremonial planting of the Polonia Tree was part of a series of activities by the Botschaft der Polinnen* around the Monument to Those Fighting for Our and Your Freedom (formerly the Monument to Polish Soldiers and German Antifascists), projects commemorating women and creative artists, and the current of long-term debates on the place of remembrance of Polish victims of Nazism in Berlin. However, the poetry reading was cancelled by organisers a day before – due to political reasons.

13.12.2020 Demo: Kobiecy* Stan Wojenny / at Volkspark Friedrichshain
Polish government wants to tighten the already very restrictive law by banning abortion because of foetal defects! For over a month thousands of people in Poland and abroad have been protesting against the tightening of the law. Protests have taken place in 650 cities. At least 14% of the population took part in at least one protest. In the framework of the Global Manifesto of Solidarity we invited everybody to show support for Polish women and people with uteruses! On 13 December a symbolic strike took place in Poland. This date has a special meaning for all Polish people. On this day, almost forty years ago, the communist government in Poland imposed martial law with the aim of suppressing the activists of the trade union “Solidarnosc”. This history is now repeating itself. Today, the populist power apparatus of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) sends the police to brutally combat the protests of the Women’s Strike.

28.-29.12.2020 – Solidarity with Women* in Argentina

Online photo campaign in solidarity with women in Argentina. On December 29th, the lower house of Argentinian Parliament decided about legalising abortion and made it legal. 

Bloody Weeks 2021 Edition

28.1.2021 DEMO: Protest that shit! In Solidarity with Polish women! 

Disgrace, not sentence! Spontaneous protest in from of the Polish Institute to express solidarity with women in Poland but also to express frustration and anger about the publication of the sentence of the Constitutional Tribunal banning abortion in Poland. 

The Constitutional Tribunal published on Wednesday (27.1.2021) the written justification of its verdict of October 22, 2020, in which it ruled unconstitutional the provision allowing abortion in the case of a high probability of severe and irreversible fetal disability. The sentence was published immediately, it came into force today, making abortion ban official. Abortion is officially banned in Poland. Black on white. Blood on white.

In Poland pregnancy can still be terminated in the case when it poses a threat to womxn’s life and health, and also when there is a justified suspicion that the pregnancy is the result of a prohibited act, e.g. rape. However, 97% of all legal pregnancies are for reasons of damage or illness of the fetus.

Also a call for solidarity actions was made for people who stay home: to express solidarity people were asked to send a photo / selfie with hashtags, and red lightning symbol: #SolidarityWithPolishWomen #youarenotalone #Schandekeinurteil #disgracenotsentence

More infos:

Listy do Julii / Briefe an Julia / Letters to Julia. Vol. 2 / online
“Empört Euch!”/ Oburzajcie się! / Time for Outrage!

October 22nd 2020, on the motion submitted by members of parties Law and Justice (PiS), PSL-Kukiz’15 and the Confederation, the Constitutional Tribunal – chaired by Julia Przyłębska – ruled the compliance of the embryopathological premise for abortion as unconstitutional. On January 27th, 2021, the sentence was published by the Tribunal and went officially into power. This is not the first attempt to limit women’s* rights to decide about their bodies and their lives. This time, however, it worked.

Due to the limitations caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, we are acting remotely, virtually, analogously, and individually. Every person who would like to get involved and express their outrage about the abortion ban in Poland can do so without fear of contamination by participating in the campaign.
WHAT WE DO? We write! We write letters, postcards, posts, faxes, e-mails to Julia Przyłębska – the President of the Constitutional Tribunal. Also to the Polish Embassy in Berlin, where Julia spends a lot of time with her husband. Or to the address of her Berlin residence. Publish your letters and experiences on the event!

31.1.2021 DEMO: Hańba! Schande! Disgrace! Soli demo with Polish women
Pariser Platz, 10117 Berlin, Deutschland

The second protest, organised after the sentence of the Constitutional Tribunal was published. Among speakers: Anna Maria Patané from Mitte21 Asociation, Kamille Piechaczyk who spoke about LGBT+ and queer-related aspects of the ban, Urszula Bertin / Ciocia Basia, Gertrud from OMAS GEGEN RECHTS.Berlin, Magdalena Milenkovska from Razem Berlin Party, Kalina from bulgarian feminist collective FemBunt and Ligia Liberatori from Ni una menos Berlin. 

The theme/ slogans “Empört Euch!” i “Engagiert Euch!” are titles of essays of: Stéphane Hessel.
More infos: 

17.2.2021 DEMO: Solidarity with Poland: #EnoughOppression #DośćOpresji #GenugUnterdrückung

We meet on February 17, 2021, to express our solidarity with repressed womxn activists as on that day in Plock there is trial of Elżbieta, Anna and Joanna, who were charged with “offence of religious feelings” when they hung posters with Mother of God in a rainbow halo. Under the rule of the Law and Justice party Poland has become an Absurdistan – criminal cases, indictments, fines, charges and sentences are becoming more and more grotesque. But they also affect more and more people, mainly activists, artists, schoolgkids, and to a large extent the LGBT+ community. The uncompromising and violent actions of the police show that they have become an executive of the party system trying to intimidate part of the society rather than defend it.

There is no democracy without information! Information based on facts, not propaganda, based on pluralism, not one party line! We oppose attempts to intimidate and destroy independent media in Poland!

More infos >>>

Facebook >>>

8.3.2021 | 11.00 | Nettelbeckplatz (Widerstandplatz

Solidarnie z kobietami* i osobami queer w Polsce, w Niemczech i na świecie!
In Solidarität mit Frauen* und queeren Menschen in Polen, Deutschland und der ganzen Welt!
In solidarity with women* and queer people in Poland, Germany and all over the world!
International Women’s Day becomes Internationalist Queer Day – we made a performance reminding the antifacist poet from Poznań, Irena Bobowska, murdered in Ploetzensee in Berlin in 1942; we read our postulates and Manifesto: #WirSindRelevant / #WeAreEssential.