Pulse of Europe – 6.08.2017 | Berlin
Wir wollen ein Zeichen setzen! Ein Zeichen, dass sich viele Menschen aktiv für den Erhalt eines demokratischen und rechtsstaatlichen, vereinten Europas einsetzen. Menschen, die die aktuellen (welt-)politischen Entwicklungen mit Sorge betrachten, aber dennoch nicht resignieren, sondern sie beeinflussen möchten.
Überzeugte EuropäerInnen und DemokratInnen müssen jetzt positive Energie aussenden, die den aktuellen Tendenzen entgegenwirkt. Der europäische Pulsschlag soll allenthalben wieder spürbar werden!
Wir sind überzeugt, dass die Mehrzahl der Menschen an die Grundidee der Europäischen Union und ihre Reformierbarkeit und Weiterentwicklung glaubt und sie nicht nationalistischen Tendenz opfern möchte. Es geht um nichts Geringeres als die Bewahrung eines Bündnisses zur Sicherung des Friedens und zur Gewährleistung von individueller Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Rechtssicherheit.
Leider sind in der Öffentlichkeit vor allem die destruktiven und zerstörerischen Stimmen zu hören! Deshalb: Lasst uns lauter und sichtbarer werden!
*******”SPEED DATE A EUROPEAN!”*******
This is not a romantic or social event. The clock will be ticking with a circuit of 5 min encounters. It‘s a meetup with a twist, a fun way for Europeans from various countries to meet, ask questions, fight bias and smash boundaries.
You can ask all the questions you want and answer a stranger‘s questions in return. Let‘s talk about all the good things and the better things that can be. Nothing is off the table! And perhaps you will have more in common with a person you wouldn‘t ever meet than you‘d think. Let‘s be open, let‘s be diverse!
It‘s not about romance, but we promise you‘ll fall in love with Berlin, Germany and Europe!
Come to Gendarmenmarkt – one of Berlin’s must-sees – on Sunday, August 6th from 2 to 3 p.m. Meet people from Berlin and all over Europe and the world. Admission free, donations welcome!
We are Pulse of Europe – a European civil society movement that started 6 months ago. We believe Europe should inspire joy and feelings of unity.
As a grassroots movement, we pursue no partisan aims and are not linked to any interest groups. We are active in 20 countries and 130 cities.
Check out our website to nd out more, also about Pulse of Europe in your city: www.pulseofeurope.eu

A powerful speech by Gabriela Bertin (Dziewuchy Dziewuchom Berlin) at the Pulse of Europe –
Democracy in Poland is at stake. Ever since the election of the right-wing euro-sceptic party Right and Law, things have been changing radically in Poland. The press is controlled by the government, meaning that independent and open-minded journalists got replaced by followers of the party. The parliament’s decisions aren’t based on discussions. The party decides by itself even during the night without letting the opposite parties have a word.
This was the same with the planned reform of the judiciary. This reform would have eliminated the division of powers in Poland, meaning the end of democracy. So, the people of Poland started to act. They went out on the streets and still do. They protested not only in Warsaw but all around Poland. In order to prevent Poland from leaving the European Union and in order to fight for democracy!
I cannot vote in Poland. Many Europeans stayed silent for a very long time but this is not the moment for the other European countries to leave Poland alone. For that reason, we Pulse of Europe created PulseForPoland. Over ten European cities demonstrated one day before Andrzej Duda – Poland’s president – vetoed two of the three planned reforms. We sang and let people speak about things that get forgotten way to often. Because Poland belongs to Europe and there is a Polish-German friendship in spite of recent events. We all benefited from the Solidarnosc movement decades ago. Now it is our time to show German and European Solidarnosc – solidarity!
Our civil society is strong! It’s democratic, it’s for peace, it’s European!
For the future it will be our challenge to tackle together to find solutions and here I stand and present you one of them: people coming together! There are no borders in our heads when we love internationally.
There won’t be prejudices if we start to talk to each other and this is what we have done today. This is the first step in the direction to make a change. Politicians can do a lot but at the end it’s us – the people of the world and our actions.
Coming to an end, I want to thank you all. Let us now send our solidarity to Poland by singing a song about joy. Because we are full of joy to have Poland, here in Europe.
Let us sing together and send our energy, our solidarity and our love to the people in Poland that will not surrender! From Pulse of Europe with Love!