The Green European Foundation, with the support of the Fundacja Strefa Zieleni, the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw and the European Parliament – organised the third Green Summer Academy 2017 “Hope and cope” , in Puszczykowo near Poznań, on July 13-16, 2017.

Apart from ecological topics, gender and women rights were discussed with invited members of Dziewuchy Dziewuchom – activists involved in Dziewuchy came from various cities in Poland (Warszawa, Łódź, Toruń, Szczecin, Gdańsk, etc) and abroad – Berlin. This was the first such a broad meeting of Dziewuchy Dziweuchom.

Skills: WEB COMMUNICATION: STREAMING, WEBINAR, VIDEOCONFERENCE (as part of the international GEF project: „Digital Commons”)

In the Green Summer Academy 2017 “Hope and cope” in Puszczykowo, almost 120 people took part (54% women) from 8 different European countries representing various NGOs, organisations and urban activists (like Dziewuchy Dziewuchom, Kongres Ruchów Miejskich, Koalicja Ratujmy Rzeki etc) and scientists. Many of the participants are involved in Kongres Kobiet (Congress of Women). One of the important guests was ecology activist Evgenya Chirikova from Russia, who was forced to leave her country for defending the Chimka forest and her activism for ecology and democracy. 

Ostatniego dnia Zielonego Letniego Uniwersytetu 2017 “Hope and cope” w Puszczykowie. Co prawda wiele osób już wyjechało, ale większość jeszcze była. Razem było nas 118 osób (54% kobiet) z 8 krajów i z organizacji europejskich (jak główny organizator ZLU GEF – Green European Foundation ), reprezentujących Zielonych aktywistów i aktywistki z 7 krajów oraz wiele współpracujących z nami w różnych dziedzinach organizacji, koalicji i ruchów – Dziewuchy Dziewuchom, Kongres Ruchów Miejskich, Koalicja Ratujmy Rzeki, jak również gości ze świata nauki. Wiele obecnych na ZLU aktywistek jest równocześnie zaangażowanych w Kongresie Kobiet. Gościnią honorową naszego ZLU była niewątpliwie Evgenya Chirikova, rosyjska ekologiczna bohaterka, zmuszona do emigracji za obronę lasu Chimki k. Moskwy i aktywność na rzecz ekologii i demokracji.
Ponieważ ideą ZLU jest wymiana wiedzy, kompetencji i doświadczenia, aż 55 uczestników i uczestniczek (w tym 51% kobiet) było panelistami lub moderatorami, panelistkami i moderatorkami. Razem mieliśmy 4 debaty (w tym debatę publiczną w Poznaniu w partnerstwie z KRM i z udziałem prezydenta Poznania Jacka Jaśkowiaka), 12 warsztatów, dwa spotkania informacyjne, dwa spotkania tematyczne z lokalnymi mieszkańcami, jeden pokaz filmu oraz 8 wycieczek przyrodniczych z eko-przewodniczkami. Ufff, działo się oj działo. Nieformalne sieciowanie, rozmowy i poznawanie się były równie ważne co reszta. Za rok mamy nadzieję, że będziemy na pograniczu Polski i Ukrainy, w partnerstwie z naszymi Zielonymi przyjaciółmi z Ukrainy. Tak jak w tym roku, poza innymi tematami, mieliśmy dwa cykle: samorząd i ekonomia – w ramach seminarium “Zielona ekonomia” organizowanym z Przedstawicielstwem Fundacji im. Heinricha Boella w Warszawie, tak w 2018 r. jednym z cykli będzie “pogranicze”, drugim “przyjazne państwo”. A tym czasem zapraszamy do oglądania i wysłuchiwania naszych debat i warsztatów w zakładce filmy oraz zdjęć w albumach z ZLU 2017. Uczestnicy wyjechali z wieloma materiałami, z ostatnim, bardzo interesującym, numerem Zielonych Wiadomości nt. ekonomii (dostępnym w pdf. na stronie .

General agenda

Thursday 13th – arrival, wild life expeditions, 1 or 2 small groups (river, lakes, wet areas, birdwatching), 17:00 – 19:00 “Puszczykowo – a town in a neighborhood of Greater Poland National Park” – a walk followed by a meeting with active citizens of Puszczykowo; in parallel some other smaller thematic meetings; integration fire camp in the evening (at 19:30)

Friday 14th – plenary sessions: key note speeches, lectures and debates + 1 public local debate in Poznan at 18:30 + film “Demain” and short debate. Eearly in the morning and/or in the evening: wild life expeditions: river, lakes, wet area birdwatching.

Saturday 15th – 12 workshops and trainings + Polish-Ukrainian working meeting + 14:00 ecological outoor workshop for children and faminies; (evening) preparation for wild life expeditions and birdwatching. Early in the morning and/or in the evening: wild life expeditions: river, lakes, wet areas, birdwatching.

Sunday 16th – Early in the morning wild life expeditions: river, lakes, wet areas, birdwatching; departures; “climate breakfast” with prof. Zbigniew Kundzewicz; 11:00 public debate on global responsibility at the Museum of Arkady Fiedler, famous Polish traveler and author.


Thursday 13th of July

16:00 – 19:00 – (expeditions) River, lakes and wet areas wild life expeditions with guides (one small group)
16:00 – 18:00 – (cars necessary) excursion to Rogalin (8 km) – very old oaks reserve
17:00 – 18:00 – (informal q/a meeting) Klaus Linsenmeier and Irene Hahn-Fuhr (Heinrich Böll Foundation Brussels and Warsaw) – German Greens before the parliamentary election
17:00 – 19:30 – (open to the pulic) “Puszczykowo – a small town in neighborhood of Greater Poland – presentation by local Association Nasze Puszczykowo
National Park” – Visit of Puszczykowo and meeting with local active inhabitants on the struggle for the model of development of the town
17:00 – 19:00 – (coordination meeting) “Digital commons” – preparation of streamings, webinars and videoconferences
19:30 – Integration fire camp or diner (in function of weather conditions)

Friday 14th of July

9:30 – 10:00
Opening speeches
Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart (FSZ), Lucile Schmid (GEF/FEP, France), Irene Hahn-Fuhr (HBS Warsaw)


10:00 – 11:30

“Europe after Brexit. Will the Green transition still be possible?”- debateThis debate is part of the international GEF project “The potential impact of Brexit on the prospects for a Green transition in Europe”

Introductions: Philippe Lamberts video, GGEP; Dr Ray Cunningham (Green House think-tank, UK) Debate: Dr Ray Cunningham, Lucile Schmid (GEF/FEP, France), Marek Kossakowski (Partia Zieloni, Poland), Kuba Gogolewski (RT-ON Foundation). Presentation: Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart (FSZ). Moderation: Bartłomiej Kozek (GEJ)

Brexit will have a huge impact on the UK and EU economies and on virtually every area of policy, which makes informed policy and public discussion of that impact and the choices that will have to be made to deal with it a necessity. Beyond that, it calls into question the coherence and effectiveness of the EU as a polity, and as a vehicle for the Green movement. Greens are committed to the belief that European countries can make the transition to sustainability more quickly as a coordinated polity (the EU) than as individual states or societies but this assumption may need to be re-examined. (Streeming, webinar or video)


11:45 – 13:15

Mega transport projects in the EU – who needs them, how to oppose them, what are the alternatives?- debate – in partnership with Save the RiversCoalition (KRR) Michael Cramer, GGEP, TRAN Committee in EP (tbc.),Evgienya Chirikova – Russian ecological activist, dr Marta Majka Wiśniewska (UW/KRR), Vasyl Baitsym (Green Party of Ukraine), Wojciech Makowski (sustainable transport activist and expert); moderation: Izabela Zygmunt.(Streeming, webinar or video)




14:15 – 15:15

Green economic answers to the challenges of today’s world – lecture and debate
Miriam Kennet, Green Economics Institute / IGEJ, Oxford, UK
Led by: Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart (FSZ)(Streeming, webinar or video)

15:15 – 16:45

Can the free market “green economy” avoid the global catastrophe?- debate
Participants: Lili Fuhr (HBS Berlin), Dr. hab. Karolina Safarzyńska (Warsaw University); Krzysztof Lewandowski (alternative currency expert); Ewa Charkiewicz (Feminist think tank), Moderation: Klaus Linsenmeier (HBS Brussels) (Streeming, webinar or video)


(public debate in Poznan,University of Economy, al. Niepodleglosci 10, room 408A)

18:30 – 20:00

New urban democracy. How urban movements and progressive mayors transform cities?
Introduction: dr Elżbieta Korolczuk (UW/video). Partcicipation: Jacek Jaśkowiak (mayor of Poznan), Małgorzata Tracz (Partia Zieloni), Hanna Gill-Piątek (CUM/Partia Zieloni), Adam Ostolski (Krytyka Polityczna/Partia Zieloni), Justyna Król (Pracownia Miejska, Konin), moderation: Lech Mergler and Lidia Makowska(Congress of Urban Mvts)(Streeming, webinar or video)

Saturday 15th of July

9:00 – 11:00 Green networking – Green European Foundation, Green European Journal, Green Economics Institute (UK), Green House (UK), Ukrainian Green Party, Bankwatch network, Save the Rivers Coalition (KRR), Congress of Urban Movements, Foundation Development YES-Open pits NO”, Green Party of England and Wales, Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw, “Ostra Zieleń”, “Gals4Gals” Lodz, Bankwatch network. Led by: Izabela Zygmunt
(Streeming, webinar or video)

9:00 – 11:00 Regional parliaments – competences, functioning, elections -Theory and practice: Wojciech Kłossowski, Małgorzata Chyła, led by: Marcin Wrzos

9:00 – 11:00 Money, currency, taxes – looking for new, sustainable solutions – Jan Chudzyński and Krzysztof Lewandowski, led by: Jan Chydzyński

11:30 – 13:00 Seminar “Green Economy”: “Is circular economy the Green free market solution?” – workshop. Piotr Barczak, EEB and Tomasz Wojciechowski, IGOZ, Julia Rokicka, Association “Biorecycling”.

11:30 – 13:00 How to build a progressive local coalition-Wrocław. Małgorzata Tracz, Maciej Słobodzian, Aleksandra Zienkiewicz, two representatives of Partia Razem Wrocław. Led by: Małgorzata Tracz

11:30 – 13:00 “Poland breathes” campaign – Working Group meeting. Led by: Aleksandra Kluczka, Maciej Smykowski, Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart

14:00-16:00 Justyna Odrzykoska: outdoor ecological workshop for kids and families

14:00 – 16:00 “Europe as a space of action for ecology” – round table
Edouard Gaudot, Lucile Schmid, Evgenya Chirikova (RU), Jitka Nesrstová (CZ), Dr Ray Cunningham (UK), Cecylia Malik and other Polish members of KRR and ecological activists; Green politicians involved in ecological campaigns from all the countries present. Led by: Edouard Gaudot (+Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart)

14:00 – 16:00 Green city, green region – from program to practice. Maciej Wudarski (v-ce pres. of Poznan),Sylwia Kowalska (local councilor, “Time of inhabitants” Torun), Wojciech Kłossowski (lessons from Gorzów Wlkp.), Michal Berg (Czech Greens/ leader of councilors network). Moderator: Jakub Gołębiewski (Green local councilor, Torun)

14:00 – 16:00  What about the climate? -from Paris to Katowice*and later
prof. Piotr Tryjanowski (Poznań University of Life Sciences), Urszula Stefanowicz (Climate Coalition), Monika Matus (RT-ON Foundation), Dorota Metera (organic farming expert)- tbc. Moderation: Hanna Schudy, EKO-UNIA. *COP 24 in 2018 will take place in Katowice

16:30 – 18:30 Seminar “Green Economy”: “The Economy of the Commons in practice” – round table. Topics: food & energy cooperatives Jakub Rok, Katarzyna Ugryn (HBS Warsaw), Anna Krenz (Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy), Led by: Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart

16:30 – 18:30 – Green city, green region – electoral strategies: housing councils.
Why, with which goals and how to prepare & conduct elections? Paweł Pomian, Maciej Słobodzian, Dorota Bonk-Hammermeister and others. Led by: Paweł Pomian and Maciej Słobodzian

16:30 – 18:30 Struggle for women reproductive rights – partnership of Partia Zieloni with “Gals 4 Gals” collective from Lodz (Dziewuchy Dziewuchom), Led by: Aleksandra Kołeczek. Streeming: Magda Wielgołaska

18:45 – 19:30 Summary and closure of GSA / outdoor photo

Besides that:
•Polish-Ukrainian working meeting – to be planned, outside in the open air
•Ostra Zieleń meeting – to be planned, outside in the open air or in an extra room
•Meeting of Save the Rivers Coalition (KRR) with Michael Cramer-tbc.- to be planned, outside in the open air or in an extra room
•Meeting with Edouard Gaudot and Lucile Schmid on the situation of the French Greens after the French elections – to be planned, outside in the open air or in an extra room

19:00 – 20:00 – Wild life river, lake, wet areas expeditions: preparation for the participants of the next morning expedition

Dinner party 20:00 – 0:00

Sunday 16th of July

7:00 – 9:00 – (expeditions) River, lakes and wet areas ecosystems, birdwatching
8:30 – 10:00″Climate breakfast” with prof. Zbigniew Kundzewicz, climate resercher collaborating with IPCC (for interested persons)
11:00 – 12:30 public meeting at Arkady Fiedler Museum – “From Puszczykowo to Indonesia, our global responsibility”


Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart
Ph: +48-664673700

Official address: Fundacja Strefa Zieleni, ul. E. Schroegera 28, 01-822 Warszawa, Poland
Postal address: Fundacja Strefa Zieleni, ul. Marszałkowska 53 lok. 46, 00-676 Warszawa, Poland

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