28.9.2020 | Performance | Brandenburger Tor
Botschaft der Polinnen* provides its mobile artistic space for the performance of Dziewuchy Berlin entitled “VOICES”. Movement, space, music and narration make up a story about the fate of women wronged by the patriarchal system and Polish traditions. They often struggle with their fate alone, left to themselves. Will they find help and relief? Will it be art? Will it be a helping sister’s hand? Will it be the ‘global scream’? Or maybe sisterhood?
Botschaft der Polinnen* (Polish Women’s Embassy) is a temporary art installation by Polish artist and activist, Anna Krenz, that hosts meetings, exhibitions and discussions related to politics, the environment and engaged art. All persons are and can be ambassadors, regardless of gender, nationality or beliefs. The embassy appears in various places in Germany and other countries, it does not have a permanent address.
Botschaft der Polinnen* udostępnia swoją mobilną przestrzeń na performance Dziewuchy Berlin pt. “VOICES”. Ruch, przestrzeń, muzyka i narracja składają się na opowieść o losach kobiet pokrzywdzonych przez patriarchalny system i polskie tradycje. Ze swoim losem borykają się często w samotności, pozostawione same sobie. Czy znajdą ratunek i ukojenie? Czy będzie to sztuka? Czy będzie to pomocna siostrzeńska dłoń? Czy będzie to globalny krzyk? A może siostrzeńska wspólnota?
Botschaft der Polinnen* (Ambasada Polek) to mobilna instalacja artystyczna polskiej artystki i aktywistki Anny Krenz, gdzie odbywają się spotkania, wystawy i dyskusje związane z polityką, środowiskiem i sztuką zaangażowaną. Wszystkie osoby są i mogą być ambasadorkami, niezależnie od płci, narodowości czy przekonań. Ambasada pojawia się w różnych miejscach w Niemczech i innych krajach, nie ma stałego adresu.
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Directed by Anna Krenz
Music/ light: Kuba Pierzchalski
Dance: Magdo Magdo
Storyteller: Anna Krenz
Sisters: Urszula Bertin, Agnieschka Glapa, Ania, Elisabeth
Text: Hanna Grześkiewicz
Scenography/ screenplay/ drawings: Anna Krenz
Moderation: Alicja Flisak

I am Jolanta. I gave birth to five children in my house, in my bath, filled with water. I was alone. I drowned each one. I then took their bodies and hid them in a barrel previously used to pickle cabbage.
I live in a small village where the doctors know everyone. Where everyone knew if my family missed Sunday mass. My husband is abusive and I already have four other children. After I buried the fifth child, I ran away and tried to disappear. I am now in jail.
If I’d had access to contraception, or the choice to terminate the pregnancy, or even the knowledge as to how to avoid these situations, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. If there hadn’t been such shame and stigma around these topics, maybe I would have gone to the doctor. I didn’t want nine children.
I am Milo. I was a trans activist with the Polish Stonewall group. I committed suicide by jumping off a bridge in the centre of Warsaw.
Depression was given as the cause of my decision. But it was a consequence of systemic oppression and abuse I experienced as a trans person living in Poland. Every decision I wanted to make about my body was met with the red tape of bureaucracy. The state does not want to recognise people like me. We are not treated as people, our bodies don’t belong to us, but to the state. I was required to provide countless documents, doctors’ notes, and to get agreement from people who had nothing to do with me, and whose views were completely outdated. There were barriers everywhere and I felt unheard.
I was buried under my deadname – under the name of the man I never was.
I am Agnieszka. I was drugged, I was raped, and then I was pregnant. When I realised I was carrying a child, I thought my entire world would collapse. My family is very Catholic, I knew they would force me to give birth to this child I didn’t want, or couldn’t afford to have. For them, abortion was out of the question. After a few days of going out of my mind, I went on the internet and found lots of women that had gone through similar experiences – I found Internet forums, and I ordered the pills needed for a pharmacological abortion. It was painful, there was a lot of blood. It didn’t go to plan. The pregnancy was too advanced, I should have had a surgical abortion, but that was impossible in my town, and I couldn’t go abroad. I was too scared to call anybody when the complications started, I didn’t want to admit to what I had done. I bled to death.
#28Sept #wegmit218 #AbtreibungIstGrundversorgung
#DziewuchyBerlin #BotschaftDerPolinnen
#NiUnaMenos #NiUnaMenosBerlin #BerlinIrelandProChoice
#Berlin4Choice #SafeAbortionDay #Berlin #GlobalScream #GlobalnyKrzyk